Weather: wind was westerly until this afternoon and now is southeast
sunny and the water was calm
Visitors: several ecotourism boats going slowly by the jetty
10 kayaks by north rocks
fishers, 2 right near the RR fishing boundary
7 adult female elephant seals
1 male pup born this year (already close to the size of the smallest female)
12 California sea lions, mostly male
27 stellar sea lions on south islands
60 seals on seal rocks and surrounding water
Cormorants 21
Gulls, Glaucous wing and Western 288 on Great Race,
most gulls are mature and in pairs, no nests yet, on the edges of Race Rock there are some immature gulls
Dunlin 3 ,one in summer plumage
Eagle 3, 2 mature one probably less than 1 year
Canada geese 14 to 20, 3 active nests
pigeon guillemot counted 104 this morning in one area
oyster catchers ?20
turnstones ?30
savannah sparrows 8
harlequin ducks 10
brandt’s cormorant 1
of note, no river otters, sea otters or whales today and yet it was the perfect day for sightings

brandt’s cormorant

Immature glaucous-wing gull?