Beautiful day calm,13 knots at 8:00, Overcast to sunny,Visibility at 8:00 13 miles and air temperature :6 degrees.
It has been pretty dramatic when in the morning Chunk decided to attacked one of the puppy,the biggest one .For the first time this one was active and moving and shouting on the lawn down the main house. So pictures speak better than words . Here they are:Chunk was trying to suffocate the pup putting his weight on him
after he bit him and had the whole head in his mouth
The other adult male arrived and made chunk go
half an hour later Boss went to see the pup but this one was afraid so he left him alone. After for the rest of the day Chunk went closed to the student house,Boss stayed closed to the main house looking towards where chunk was and the pup was closed to the crank. He can move so nothing looked broken but the injury is pretty deep. For a lighter note look at the other pup . He found a spot where the big ones cannot go closed to the compost in the grass
I could take all those pictures because when all this happened I was already outside and I had my camera with me.