- Sky clear and sunny- no fog!
- Wind: 10-20 knots SW
- Water: Rippled. Strong currents today (+4.4 knots)
- Visibility: 10 miles
- Greg came by today with some water that we pumped into the main tank. We are told that the new desalinator should be on its way soon, but is going to take a few weeks to ship.
- A few whale watching boats today (10-15). Many came close (-50m) to the elephant seals in the jetty and the sea lions on middle rock. We often see them within 10m of the sea otter and kelp patch that it calls home.
- A few days ago we replaced the worn Canadian flag on the flagpole. Today we noticed that the entire rope/pulley system had somehow blown loose and fallen to the ground. The pole is to high for us to reach the top with our ladder, so when it is less windy we will have to take the pole down to make repairs (this will be difficult with so many seagulls about).
- Many interesting birds in the reserve this week. Today we spotted some western sandpipers, a couple short billed dowitchers, and a ruddy turnstone all from our kitchen window!
- Every day we see more and more sea lions. Greg said that he even spotted a stellar sea lion on his way today.
- Short billed dowitcher.
- We saw 5 western sandpipers in the grass today.
- A ruddy turnstone on top of the cistern.
- The moulting elephant seals enjoy soaking in the shallow water of the jetty.
- The seagulls all rise into the air when a predatory bird is in the vicinity- usually an eagle.