- Sky partly cloudy, intermittent fog
- Visibility varying between 0-15 miles
- Wind 20-30 knots W
- Water rough, waves to half a metre with some whitecaps
- No visitors today
- The whale watching boats continue to decrease in volume, this month looks to be a turning point in their season.
- We spotted the sea lion with plastic around its neck on the jetty last night, and today it was hauled out onto land between the helicopter pad and the guest house. We contacted DFO, and the entanglement response team will assess if it’s a job that they can do.
- This afternoon we saw a blue heron, which we haven’t seen before out here.
- The Coast Guard visited briefly a few days ago. They stayed on RR for about an hour and did some maintenance on the fog horn system. Two people came on to land, and a third stayed in the Coast Guard zodiac.