- In a relaxed individual, the gills appear as a fuzzy covering.
- In the this view from underwater, the leather star does not have the gills deployed so it looks smooth
- The dorsal view of Dermasterias
- Ventral side of the Leather Star
- April, 2007, Kohei and Natan found this unusual 4-legged leather star
- In April, 2007, Kohei and Natan found this unusual 4-legged leather star.
Domain Eukarya
Usually when we find leather stars at Race Rocks, a search in the grooves underneath will reveal a symbiont, the scaleworm Arctonoe vittata. The worm also associates with various other marine invertebrates, but if separated from its host, will search out another member of the same species. The main predator of this sea star is the morning sun star
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Echinodermata
Class Asteroidea
Order Valvatida
Family ASteropseidae
Genus Dermasterias
Species imbricata. (Dermasterias imbricata )(Grube, 1857)
Common Name: Leather Star
Garry Fletcher