Wind: yesterday 0-10 knots from E, today 0-46 knots from NE to E
Sea State: yesterday rippled, today rippled in the morning and up to 2 m chop in the late afternoon and evening
Visibility: yesterday and today between 10-15 NM
Sky: yesterday sun, today mostly sunny with rain in evening
Temperature: both days 6-10 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 412.96 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
For most of the past two days it has been sunny with calm winds. A storm warning is materializing this evening that is bringing rain and strong winds of up to 45 knots from the east.
Today, the Department of National Defence was conducting blasting training at nearby Bentinck Island. I heard ten blasts today that shook Race Rocks. See the photo and video below.
- The smoke can be seen from a small detonation on Bentinck Island. The white building is where the navy personnel take shelter during the blasts.
- Elephant seals basking in the sun
Video clips of two blasts that occurred this morning. It takes a few seconds for the sound to reach the island and the sea lions to react. The sounds of gulls and bald eagles can also be heard.