- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 15-20 knots West, later up to 35.
- Sky: mix of sun and cloud
- Water: 3′ chop
- 15 elephant seals on Great Race.
- Quite social and entertaining today. Some of them even trying to follow me around, though they didn’t like the noise of the weed eater.
- About half as many Canada Geese on the island today!
- Did some more weed whacking along the paths.
- Cleaned the solar panels.
- Stacked some firewood.
- Cleaned part of the students’ house with algicide.
- 3 eco-tours today.
- 1 rented pleasure craft was seen fishing to the East of Great Race, quite likely within the reserve area where no fishing is allowed.
- The photos I took aren’t the best. I spied them fishing with the binoculars before I could grab the camera.
- This photo doesn’t really show it, but they were fishing
- Leaving after fishing. Still within reserve?