Ecological Notes:
- Still waiting to see if any Elephant Seals show up for the moult season
- Sea Lion numbers are down a bit and not fluctuating as they have been
- Transient Orca have been in the reserve 3 times at least over the last few days. they hunted right off the end of the pier, and in the channel just south of the light
- Shore Front coordinator delivering supplies and fuel
Facility Work:
- There was water in the basement of the Student and Science Center, and I first I couldn’t find the source. I checked all the plumbing on that side of the room, and mopped up the water. Checked a couple hours later and there was as much water there again. Realize it must be a new leak, and that it was still going. Took longer than it should have to find the leak, as it was working around the lowest points and looked like it was coming from the other direction. Isolated the problem, and repairs will be done tomorrow
- With warmer weather and less rain, time to start spring cleaning of sidewalks. The algae cleaner needs the temperature, and rain free days to work.
- Testing small scetions each week
- Starting to get better results
- Catching back up on fuel deliveries allows the replenishing of the Gerry Cans in reserve.
- Noticed the fog horn wasn’t working on Sunday during the heavy fog. Coastguard notified so they could put out a notice to mariners. they have scheduled a visit for Thursday to repair it. With current availability of GPS and Radar on vessels, glad I didn’t have to use the manual back up!
- Checking smoke detectors and first aid supplies that may expired
- Awaiting new materials for the pier fence, cleaned up old wiring, saving longer pieces for repairs and making gates
DND events:
- Detonations during the last week, under the guidence supplied by the Marin Mammal Observers on the water.
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- Still a few Eco-Tourism vessels coming through.
- 3 or 4 private vessels as well, all appropriate behavior
Weather Events:
- Wednesday January 31:
- Sky: High overcast with occasional sunny breaks
- Wind: ESE to 30kts early, rotating through to NE 10-15kts during the day
- Sea: rippled, some standing waves due to wind/tide combinations
- Temperature Low 10oC, High 13.5oC
- Sky: High overcast with occasional sunny breaks
- Tuesday January 30:High overcast, occasional brief rain
- Wind: NE dropping to 0kts at sunrise, raising through the day to NE 25kts, then dropping again in the evening
- Sea: light chop
- Temperature Low 10oC, High 14oC
- Wind: NE dropping to 0kts at sunrise, raising through the day to NE 25kts, then dropping again in the evening
- Monday January 29:
- Sky: Dense fog all day
- Wind:N to NE rising from 5kts to 20kts through the day
- Sea: light chop
- Temperature Low 9oC, High 11oC
- Sky: Dense fog all day
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: