See the Entries posted in the Race Rocks Log for observations of Rare Species.
- In the past few years, brown pelicans have been landing at the island frequently
- Romanzoffia tracyi This land plant with perennial leaves, is often referred to as mist maiden.
- Rhysia fletcheri is a new species of colonial atheccate hydroid described by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss from samples collected at Race Rocks and Friday harbour.
- The White Spiral Snail Opalia chacei. This underwater photo of the Chace’s Wentletrap .
- Iceland gull observed on the Christmas Bird Count, 2001
- Peregrine Falcon.. Seen yearly in the winter time:
- An Ectoproct ( Bryozoa) that we have not yet been able to identify.
- Alaskan Fur Seal 1980 by Trev and Flo Anderson.
- This was the first photo taken at RR ofChace’s Wentletrap
Other Historic Rare Bird Sightings (acknowledgement:David Allinson,Victoria):
Northern Fulmar – October 18, 1937 (old record, but they occur every fall offshore)
Emperor Goose – April 19, 1984
Snowy Owl – 7 birds December 3, 1966
Burrowing Owl – October 14, 1976
South Polar Skua – November 7, 1979
Little Gull – October 24, 1987