Clear skies. Strong NE winds. 4-5ft wind waves this morning. The wind and the waves eased by the evening.
This weather is making my departure day a bit unsure, but it is totally worth it because it made the HUGE male elephant seal that’s been lounging on Middle Rock come over to Great Race. He spent the day on the grass next to the energy building. Whoa! He is way bigger than I thought. Despite his size, it is impossible to take him seriously with that massive nose. Since I have never been formally introduced to the Elephant seal I am assuming that this is the one that previous Eco-guardians named Chunk because of the scars from Misery on his back.
See sparring in previous post
At lunch time today the River otter was rolling around in the sun on the wood platform by the crane. I think it lives under the walkway.
- Elephant seal (Chunk)
- Elephant seal
- Elephant seal
- Elephant seal
- River otter
- River otter
- River otter
- River otter
-worked on SOPs
-Did a final shift-change tidy