Ecological Happenings
- After last nights’ strong winds, many of the regular Sea Lions on the North East of the island were not there, but returned towards the afternoon.
- Four Elephant Seals were on the dock (where the California Sea lions usually lay), including one pup. The pup was tagged (B228). It had a hard time getting off the dock to return to its mother (see photographs below)
- Great Blue Heron, spotted today by Camera 5 on the high coastal rocks
- One more tangled Sea Lion was spotted in preparation for the Vancouver Aquarium rescue on the 28th of October. The two that were previously sighted, could not be found today.
Marine Vessels
Four tour boats, no fishing/pleasure vessels seen today.
- Davis weather station was offline – this has been resolved.
- Troubleshooting the pressure hose, in preparation of some cleaning on the island.
No visitors today
- Elephant Seal pup B228
- Great Blue Heron
- Tangled Sea Lion at the south of the island