Feb 11: Cloudy, NE 10 knot wind. In the morning Courtney came out on Second Nature with Tristan (Pearson volunteer) and scaffolding. We had already put up two sections (5′ tall each) of scaffold with what we have on station so we added two more sections of rented scaffold to build a tower around 22′ tall below the derrick. We secured all four sides with lines tied to various anchor points on the ground. Standing on the top of the tower, the top of the derrick was just above my head height. I greased the pulley and pried the cable out from its lodging on the side of the pulley to get it back in its track. We led the derrick cable down through the centre of the scaffolding and Tristan and Courtney re-attached the weighted hook which keeps tension on the line. We took down the scaffolding and sent the rented parts back to the college. Derrick is finally back in action after months of being out of service and we now have a better and safer method for fixing and servicing the unit. Thanks Courtney, Tristan and Chris.
- second nature from the tower of scaffold
- Courtney on the derrick controls
- Tristan on the deck
- cable and pulley
- weighted hook back on cable cable
On another topic, my dislike for the new composting toilet is increasing proportionately with the rising smell of stagnant septic in the basement of the assistant house…
Feb 12: Cloudy, wind light, periods of rain. 1 Pedder Bay Marina rental boat in the reserve that left the reserve going over the speed limit. I called the marina and they were to follow up with the operator.
After venting the guest house basement as much as possible, it still stank in there. I took apart the vent pipe and re-installed it with a bypass drain for rain water and excess moisture. The pipe size on the toilet is non conventional (it says its 2″ PVC but of course it is not and it does not union with standard size pipe) so I installed a rubber union with clamps in order to transition to the ABS vent pipe already installed through the roof. I installed a transparent pipe on the bypass so that it will be visible when there is liquid accumulation. With the new vent pipe installed I plugged in the toilet to start heating up the septic soup again so that it will hopefully actually evaporate this time.
- new vent pipe
- bypass drain