Feb 9: Cloudy, wind light. Went off island in the morning to run errands and get groceries. Since it was a holiday and I didnt know it several of the stores I intended to go to were closed. Passed by West rock en route and was able to see elephant seal pup. Besides Chunk there were 4 good sized females and a pup bellow them on a rock ledge. The pup was calling for its mother, it looked like it was unable to get back up to where she was.
- Elephant seals on West rock
- 4 females, Chunk and pup
- pup bellow females
Feb 10: Cloudy, wind west 30 knots in the morning dropping to 20 knots in the afternoon. Went off island in the afternoon. Took one chainsaw chain in for mechanical sharpening. Went to plumbing store to get replacement valve for desalinator and to get parts for adding a bypass drain in the vent pipe on the toilet in the guest house.