- Clear sunny skies, a few small clouds
- 15+ miles visibility
- Wind 20-30 knots SW
- White caps and waves up to .5 m
- A steady stream of whale watching boats today, but not too busy (15 or so). We were pleased to note that they seemed to be keeping mostly to the centre of the channel.
- Quite a few small pleasure crafts just outside of the reserve, but only a few entered.
- The seagull chicks are getting bigger every day and are beginning to wander more adventurously. This is making it harder for us to move around the island as they are unpredictable and often stray onto the paths. The adult seagulls are more aggressive than ever and have started to dive at our heads.
- We noticed that the lack of wind yesterday and clear sunny day was causing the seagulls to pant like dogs. Apparently this is a way for them to shed excess heat through their mouth lining.
- A boat getting quite close to a sea lion resting on the jetty.
- A seagull chick panting in the hot weather.
- The adult seagulls pant as well.
- Beautiful sunset from the top of the lighthouse