Elephant seal pups: The four pups are getting closer to the water.
Canada geese. The geese are nesting. Some have laid eggs already. The river otter is trying to find the nests as are the gulls. The geese are getting aggressive to anything that gets close to the nests.

Pearson College students over to study shoreline invertebrates. With the moon getting fuller the tides are very high and very low. This makes for perfect beach walking and shoreline classes for the students.
Facility Work With the help of a couple students, the cleaning continues on the sides of building today.
Vessel Traffic Three Eco-tour boats doing respectful viewing.
Weather Events:Flat water and light wind
Weather– Current: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/current.php?id=72
Weather–Past: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/station.php?id=72