- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 5-10 knots West in the morning
- Around 15:30 the wind picked up to 25+ knots West. 18:00 peak at 42 knots.
- Sky: overcast, then some blue sky, then some rain
- Water: no visible wave crests, but lots of surge
- One of the larger male e-seals returned in the morning.
- The weaner is still around.
- Lots of bald eagles in the reserve.
- harlequin ducks
- Kyle and I took a look at the diesel hand pump and the desalinator.
- Kyle came out in Second Nature with the 2 person film crew to take some footage.
- Several eco-tours came by later on.
- A few boats out fishing halibut just beyond the reserve.
- Kyle and the film crew were on the island for about 2 hours.
- Lots of DND blasting today.
- There were blasts at the following times:
- 10:00~, 12:50, 12:52, 13:12, 13:20, 13:23.