- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots North in the morning.
- From 15:00 onwards, 15-20 knots West.
- Sky: clear
- Water: calm
- The same eight elephant seals on Great Race today.
- Most of them spent a couple of hours in the water by the jetty.
- Water e-seals
- Water battles!
- Don’t mind me…
- I’ma just..
- come and..
- lie on you!
- Big Steller sea lion
- Harlequin Ducky!
- Lots more goose work.
- Disentangled a large amount of rope from various branches and kelp fronds.
- If you lost your rope, be careful! Animals can get tangled up in it.
- Second Nature.
- Multiple eco-tours.
- Early morning
- HMCS Vancouver
- Kyle and Visitors
- Kyle brought out a group of visitors in the early morning.