Strong NNE winds this morning. Eased in the afternoon. Clear skies.
Low East wind wave and a low West swell.
The Cackling goose and White fronted goose are still here. 18 Canada Geese spent the day on Greater Race Rock.
Two sailboats from the college headed out this morning towards Victoria, and I know it was an awesome day for a sail.
- Pearson College boat: Jack Mathews
- Pearson College boat: Jack Mathews
- Pearson College boat: Jack Mathews
Today’s amazing ocean conservation link:
3-dimensional, panning images of coral reefs [link] with fish and sharks and corals!
The project is being done by the Catlin Seaview Survey, whose mission is “to scientifically record the world’s coral reefs and reveal them to all in high-resolution, 360-degree panoramic vision.” The results are amazing!
Maciek was out here today and did some training on the Race Rocks systems and helped out with some projects.
-Swept lighthouse staircase
-Set out new CO detectors
-Cleared Marigolds on path to tower
-Worked on plumbing issues in keeper’s house
-Inventoried solar panel tilt hardware
-Made a soundings table for the water tank