The barometer climbed overnight from 1007 hPa and leveled out to 1020 hPa, as the sun rose at 7:14. The wind blew from the north to northeast, around 10 knots for most of the day, with gusts up to 23 knots in the middle of the day. The temperature minimum was 7.9C and maximum of 10.6C. The clear skies and great visibility were the best so far in November. Mt. Baker was visible all the way across the Salish Sea, 137 km away.
A rental boat from Pedder Bay Marina was speeding in Middle Channel at 13:00 and coming very close to the sea lions hauled out on the rocks. Two whale watching boats were seen in the reserve today. An Eagle Wing Tours boat was passing through Middle Channel at 17:15, half an hour after sunset. The Jack Matthews, a Pearson College sailboat, spotted a group of humpback whales as they sailed by the west of Race Rocks in the mid afternoon.
Two juvenile bald eagles spent most of the day on Great Race Rocks, alternating between the northeast and northwest sides of the island. A branded steller sea lion was noticed on South Seal Rocks. The brand 872R is a new sighting for me. I will hear back in a couple days about were this sea lion has been, since it was branded at Rogue Reef, Oregon. An entangled steller sea lion was also on South Seal Rocks this afternoon. It has something around its neck that has cut the skin. It is possibly plastic strapping. A team from the Sea Lion Disentanglement Project, at the Vancouver Aquarium, will be coming in a couple weeks to attempt to rescue a few sea lions.
Cleaning and moving was done in the basements of the two residences to prepare to install the composting toilet systems. The installation will begin tomorrow. Wood was collected, the desalinator made fresh water and the rainwater collection cistern was cleaned and fixed.
- A juvenile bald eagle perches on the northeast side of Race Rocks. Mt. Baker is visible in the background.
- A juvenile bald eagle is perched on the highest rock on the island beside camera 5.
- Branded steller sea lion 872R
- A steller sea lion entangled with a something that is digging into its neck, possibly plastic strapping that has been seen on other sea lions. Biologists and veterinarians from the Vancouver Aquarium are planning a visit to Race Rocks in the near future to disentangle sea lions.