Weather: West wind, 30 knots reaching up to 40 knots. Visibility limited by rain.
Ecological: While doing the Christmas Bird count I came across a female elephant seal on the West side of Great Race. She is flipper tagged, green, c-586 and appears to be moulting. She also appears to be stuck in between some rocks. With an iron bar I was able to move a rock that was against her neck, this exposed a nasty wound where the rock had been embedded into her flesh. With the impediment removed I left her to see if she would be able to move freely. When I returned a few hours later she had only changed position by 90 degrees. I could see signs of abrasion on her underside as well. I took photos and sent a marine mammal injury report to the DFO and a veterinarian at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Centre.
- flipper tag
- looking stuck
- stuck, from above
- rock removed, injury visible
- wound
Boats: 1 ecotour
Maintenance: continued firewood stacking, basement tidying.