Ecological Notes:
- The really large Male Elephant Seal is still here, and very relaxed. He barely looks up, and didn’t even flinch when we were moving equipment around.
- A young pup (probably this winter) arrived briefly today. It went up the ramp past us, without noticing us. When it got most of the way up the hill to the grass, it finally turned back and saw us (it was probably 40 meters from us by this time). We suspect it was not one of the ones born here, (or around any people) as once it saw us, it turned around and quickly went back past us into the water!
- First Gull chick hatched! Full disclosure, there are nests everywhere that I don’t see all the time! This is the nest where I saw the first egg, and have a good vantage point from a distance to get photos though.
- Nestled in
- Lifting to check on things
- The Waterfront Coordinator brought over 2 contractors today.
Facility Work:
- Service and restart of the Desalinator. Problems with the pump used to fill the cistern will lead to us finishing this project tomorrow.
- Full service and refit of the woodstove and chimney system.
- Cleaning and re-enforcing the chimney
- New firebrick, baffles and secondary burn tubes
DND events:
- Lots of foreshore blasts today. They did pause when I notified their Marine Mammal Observers that there were Orca heading their way from the east off the Metchosin waterfront.
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- 3 Ecotourism boats, and several private vessels transited the reserve, observing all proper procedures.
Weather Events:
- Slightly shifting winds, primarily westerly, with some midday shifts to south-westerly. 20 – 25 knots with increase to 30-35 knots late evening. Mostly calm, with increase in chop late afternoon. Clear sunny skies.
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: