Weather Today:
- Visibility 15+ NM
- Sky clear with lots of sun in the later afternoon
- Wind 0-5 knots N
- Calm seas
Visitors and traffic:
- No visitors over the last couple of days.
- A handful (3-6) of whale watching boats come through daily as well as a couple of private vessels.
Ecological Notes:
- Mara spotted and photographed a small amount of orange/red berries on the ground near the jetty. It would appear a bird regurgitated them – we aren’t exactly sure what they are and haven’t seen anything like this before.
- The amount of sea lions seems to have stabilized. There are many hauled out, but thankfully this seems to be it! They are very determined to rest near and right up to the south side of our house and all around the lighthouse down to the desalinator building. The worst they do is dislodge some of the rocks that form unused raised beds and low walls around those areas.
- We have been spotting whales frequently over the last week or two, and saw another humpback today.
- Last night and the night before it rained heavily and the puddles that remain are being enjoyed by the seagulls and geese.
Some photos from the last couple of days:
- Some unidentified berries that presumably a bird regurgitated.
- A closer look at one of the regurgitated berries. Not quite a pumpkin… but it’ll have to do.
- Beautiful blue skies.
- The rain has the grass looking green and vibrant.
- An eagle briefly stopped by this afternoon.
- A closer look at the eagle – look at that beak!
- Some cormorants by the waters edge.
- Look at all those sea lions!
Additional Notes:
- We have begun clearing out the firewood that was stored under the front deck/stairs. With the work on the guest house stairs nearing completion, the stairs on the main residence could be up next.
- While moving the firewood we took a closer look at the remainders of a very old looking wrought iron bench (stored with the firewood). This looks like an interesting artifact! The company Innova it still around and selling similar goods.
- The bench pieces.
- A closer photo showing some identifying marks.