Jan 27: NE wind 5-15 knots switching to west in the afternoon, 20 to 30 knots. Courtney brought Max out in the morning to check on connections for camera 5 and the underwater camera. I went off island in the afternoon to pick up Jeff and bring him out for a visit.
Jan 28: Cloudy in morning, cleared up in the afternoon. Wind East 10 to 15 knots. Brought Jeff back to college in the morning. On the way we went by West rock to look for the elephant seal pup but couldn’t see or hear it. Picked up deionized water, a UPS for the underwater camera, laser measurer for measuring crane height. Cleared a large piece of red cedar out of the jetty bay and roped a long piece of hemlock. Cut and chopped firewood in the sun. Latter that afternoon I could hear and see the pup again.
- elephant seals on West Rock, from the boat.
- female elephant seals on West Rock from, pup and mother on far right.
- Chunk going after a female
Jan 29: mostly clear sky, wind NE 10 to 15 knots. Two pleasure craft in reserve. Worked on guest house toilet renovation: shortening platform, adding insulation, fitting, fastening and sealing poop chute.