- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind in the morning: 10-15 knots North East
- Wind in the evening: 20-25 knots East
- Sky: mix of clear and clouds
- Water: 1′ chop
- The weaner was gone today, so just the 2 e-seals on Great Race.
- A couple of adult bald eagles were around today.
- One crow was poking about the island.
- I saw a bunch of tiny jellyfish in the water beside the jetty.
- It was impossible to get a good photo of them though.
- Perhaps they were Mitrocoma cellularia?
- Crow!
- Eagles!
- Roar!
- The jellyfish are…
- really hard to…
- pick out!
- Some goose work.
- A few eco-tours came by today.