- belted kingfisher on crane cable
- kingfisher on guest house roof
- Green-winged teals: Photo by Alex Fletcher
- teals
- sealions surfing…
- sealions surfing…
- sealions surfing…
- sealion flying!
- Humpback whale dorsal fin (Dec 8)
Lots of rain today. The barometer continued to fall this morning reaching a low of 985 hPa this afternoon. It was windy overnight and a west wind picked up this evening briefly gusting over 35 knots. There have been swells coming in on both the NE and W sides of the island today along with high tides all morning that combined to submerge the jetty with waves and provide good surfing conditions for sea lions.
I spotted a infrequent visitor, a belted kingfisher perched on the crane. There were also three green winged teals in the mud flats on the NE side of the island, I only ever see them when it rains a lot and there are fresh water puddles.
Sealions had good surfing conditions most of the day. The images were taken off the south side of the island, reef break.
Before dusk Chunk (Zeke) came up the boat ramp onto the island, the first time he has come on the main island during my shift. He has grown since last winter and has a stronger vocalization.