Gorgeous day today!
Since it looks like it’ll be my only sunny day of my trip out here, I spent most of it outside. It was also the perfect day for an animal census.
While out and about today I unfortunately came across two entangled sea lions. Both have been reported to the right groups and I will be monitoring them over the next few days to see if they stick around.
- Both entangled animals appear to have an emotional support Cali
- Not impressed
Facility Work:
- Topped up battery electrolytes
- Repaired electric fence
- Dug up weeds
- Washed main house windows
- Private: 1
- Ecotourism: 3
Dec 30 Census:
- California sea lions: 182
- Steller sea lions: 339
- Harbour seals: 24
- Bald eagles: 25
- Canadian geese: 15
- Gulls: 531
- Turnstones: 47
- Cormorants: 132
- Oyster catchers: 6
- Harlequin ducks: 8