- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Wind 0-5 knots most of the day, 15-20 West in the evening
- Sky: sunny
- Water: calm
- 15 elephant seals on Great Race today.
- 10 of them were in the water playing at 6 AM.
- Cleaned the windows of the eco-guardians house.
- Entered the sea water data and sent it off to Peter Chandler.
- More goose work.
- Ran the desal.
- Had to restart the communications in the tower after shutting off the generator.
- 3 eco-tours came by today.
- One black boat that looked like an eco-tour came by, but it only had one occupant,
- The mystery buoys are still appearing from time to time in Middle Channel.
- However they don’t exclusively appear at low tides, so I am baffled.
- Will have to get out there to remove them sometime.