- Visibility 10 + NM
- Sky partly cloudy
- Wind 15-20 Knots SE
- Sea state: calm, rippled
Marine Traffic/Visitors: One pleasure craft drifted through in the early afternoon. They did an amazing job of drifting with the current so the animals would not be disturbed, and were very careful of the kelp and shallow areas. Well done!
- The animals have been keeping to themselves and trying to stay out of the elements as yesterday there was quite a bit of rain and wind. When the weather is harsh, the elephant seals typically try to lay behind a rock or outbuilding to avoid the wind. The seagulls point themselves into the wind and sit close to the ground. The sea lions don’t seem to mind at all, but the geese love the rainy days! They like to drink from puddles and clean their feathers in the fresh water.
- Yesterday we were visited by a flock of pigeon guillemots, who prefer the jetty or rocks immediately surrounding.
- Comments in photos refer to pineapple weed..check it out here in the Taxonomy File
- 7 Elephant Seals
- 8 Oyster Catchers
- 32 Sea Lions
- 101 Harbor Seals
- 22 Geese (one active nest)
- 285 Seagulls
- Crane shed, view towards Victoria
- Sea lions on Rosedale Rock- one appears to have an entanglement scar
- Elephant seal taking a nap between drifting logs collected for firewood.
- They like to tuck their faces into something soft- flowers, grass, pineapple weed, each other…
- Enjoying the soft pineapple weed (1)
- (2)
- (3)