Overcast with periods of sun and rain
Wind: 1 – 17 knots NE, switching to W in the evening
Air Temperature: Low 9.0°C, High 11.3°C
Ocean Temperature: 9.0°C
In the morning, the visiting students helped with a service project to clean the algae off the exterior walls of the tank room and boat house. Elbow grease, a non toxic de-algae formula, brushes and water were used to tackle the algae. Rain water was pumped from the collection tank at the Ecoguardian’s House, which saves the energy intensive desalinated water for the kitchens and washrooms.
For several hours beginning at 10:30, DND set off explosives on nearby Bentinck Island, which is less than 1km from the ecological reserve. Birds, marine mammals and an Ecoguardian were startled by the blasts.
This afternoon, the four students doing the rescue diving course practiced more scenarios off the jetty with Chris.
Chris brought a volunteer from Pearson to visit for a couple hours. Myriam Guilbert, who is the mother of second year student Chloé, toured around the island snapping photos of the flora, fauna and views. She had heard lots of stories about Race Rocks from her daughter.
There were two eco tour boats, one recreational boat and the Pearson’s Haiku in the reserve today.
- The visiting students assist in service project to clean the algae off the buildings.
- A water pump is used with the rain water tank to help clean the exterior walls around the island.
- Yam and Neel check out the Race Rocks species from up high.
- A loud blast is detonated by DND on Bentinck Island.
- Myriam Guilbert, the mother of second year student Chloé, visits Race Rocks after spending the week volunteering at Pearson.
- Students practice rescue scenarios for diving.
- Bader removes Martin from the water in a rescue diving scenario.