Cloudy with sunny breaks
Wind: 2-14 knots, NE in morning SE in afternoon
Air temperature: Low 8.7°C, High 11.3°C
Ocean temperature: 9.0°C
A bazaar of 27 pigeon guillemots spent the morning on the wharf, nearby rocks and occasionally gathering in the water to float through Middle Channel. They appeared to be checking out nesting sites on the rocks between the wharf and helicopter pad. They like nesting in the crevices and under the blasted rocks on the northwest side of Great Race.
The visiting students helped unroll the fire hoses to pump salt water into the cistern, which is underground between the lighthouse and the Ecoguardian’s house. The water from the cistern is pumped through the desalinator. This afternoon, the desalinator ran for eight hours, producing about 700 litres of fresh water.
There were three eco tour boats and two recreational boats in the ecological reserve today.
- Pigeon guillemots at the wharf
- How many harbour seals can you see hauled out on the South Islands? Hint: there are more than 30!
- The vehicle carrier Iris Ace passes within 4km of the ecological reserve. The 188m x 29m ship is heading to Portland, Oregon.