Wind: 8 knots NNE in the morning, diminishing in the afternoon and switching to W in the evening
Air Temperature: High 9C, Low 4C
Ocean Temperature: 8.8C
Twelve bald eagles were hanging out on the South Islands this morning. Many of them stuck around for the rest of the day, flying to different perches around the reserve.
Chunk left the main island at some point last night. The female elephant seal is still camped out to the east of the main house.
Courtney and Max visited for a couple hours this morning to do some maintenance on the cameras and other technology. Camera 5 is almost online again. One more replacement part needs to be installed in the coming days. The Davis weather station is back up and running after a few days offline. Thanks to Max fixing the computer that uploads the weather data.
There was more munitions blasting today at nearby Rocky Point.
Three eco tour boats visited the reserve today.
- Seven bald eagles gather on one of the South Islands in the morning.
- A whale watching boat gets up close to a group of sea lions on the South Islands. In the background a large container ship, the 334mx43m CMA CGM Cendrillon, passes within 4km of Race Rocks on its way to Seattle. Feb 4, photo by Nick Townley
- A juvenile bald eagle watches a raven eat the carcass of an elephant seal pup.
- A raven eating the soft tissue on the face of the dead elephant seal pup.
- A juvenile bald eagle observes the ecological reserve from the high rock by camera 5.