Mostly sunny
Wind: 3 – 11 knots NE
Air Temperature: High 10°C, Low 7°C
Ocean Temperature: 8.8°C
Last night was a full moon. Tonight’s moonrise happened at 19:25. It’s a waning gibbous moon, but it’s still as bright as last night.
The gulls seem to be getting more territorial by the day. I witnessed many gulls attacking each other throughout the day. One gull grabbed onto another’s wing and wouldn’t let go for a minute. Maybe the other gull got too close to a nesting site that was already claimed.
Chunk, the male elephant seal, spent another day in the same spot below the helicopter pad. The female elephant seal splashed around the jetty beach for most of the day.
One eco tour boat visited the reserve today.
- A juvenile eagle perches on top of the crane.
- The sunset at 18:06 over the Olympic Peninsula
- Moonrise in the east