Wind: 3 – 9 knots NE, switching to SE in afternoon
Air Temperature: Low 7°C, Hight 11°C
Ocean Temperature: 9°C
The morning was spent preparing the Marine Science Centre, and tidying around the island, to get ready for visiting students that are coming to Race Rocks this week.
Chunk, the large male elephant seal, is still camped out on the grass below the helicopter pad.
I left the reserve in the afternoon to attend One World, the annual show of dance, music and stories put on by Pearson students. I returned to Race Rocks with a visitor. The boat ride was spectacular as the sunset cast a rainbow of colours over the Juan de Fuca Strait.
Two eco tour boats were seen in the ecological reserve today.
Thank you to Travis, today’s Race Rocks visitor, for the photos.
- Approaching Race Rocks from the North
- Putting the boat to bed for the night