- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 5-10 knots NE
- Water: rippled
- Sky: overcast
- Chunk and Chuckles are still on Great Race. I’m not even sure they are going off island at night these days.
- There was a lone harbour seal hauled out on a rock near the derrick most of the day.
- Saw some bald eagles gnawing away at the dead elephant seal pup.
- Cleared logs off of the ramp.
- Began making a list of things to do by the end of the month.
- The Sir Wilfred Laurier patrol vessel was out in the straight this morning. Quite a fine looking ship!
- One pleasure craft with a family on board stopped by to view the sea lions. They seemed to be too close.
- Two eco-tours came by this afternoon. The first one was the largest boat that I have ever seen in the reserve. The second one appeared to be too close to the sea lions, and a few of them made haste for the water.
- February 26, 2016
- February 26 2016