- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 15-20 knots North East
- Sky: overcast
- Water: 1′ chop
- Borderline fog in the evening.
- The same ten elephant seals on Great Race today.
- Through the window I saw a small flock of black songbirds perched in the bushes, but they had flown away before I could take a photo.
- I went outside to try and find them, but by then they were gone.
- Perhaps they were red-winged blackbirds? That’s the only predominantly black songbird that has previously been recorded in these parts that would fit what I saw.
- Finished up and submitted the April report.
- Hand pumped diesel into the day tank.
- Goose work.
- A few eco-tours came by.
- One boat was fishing in the reserve, but I have seen it before, and I am pretty sure that it is a First Nations boat.
- What I can only assume was a US Navy submarine with an escort passed through the strait south of Race Rocks shortly before 18:00.
- Submarine