On March 11. 2000 a special gathering ceremony was held at Race Rocks Ecological reserve to recognize the federal governments contribution to the Race Rocks Millennium project, and to ‘officially open the project.
- The Millennium program flag flies under the Canadian Flag for the opening ceremonies at Race Rocks March 11, 2000
- ceremonies at Race Rocks March 11, 2000 Media line up to record the opening events
- Garry and Tom Sampson examine old First Nations dugout Canoe which lies at Race Rocks
- The United World College Flag flies from Second Nature.
- Dan Kukat of Springtide Charters assisted with transportation
- Jack Matthews and guestss aboard the boat.
- Other Guests included Phil Guyer, president of the UWC of the American South West,
- Students Laura and Unai accompanying the guests as they sign the atttendance book.
- Jack Matthews, the founding director of Pearson College and Naomi Hoare, the wife of the founding Director of Atlantic College UWC.
- Garry Fletcher explaining the Marine Protected Area Pilot Process and the Schools program to the Honourable David Anderson, Minister of the Environment representing the Honourable Herb Gray, on behalf of the Millennium Partnership Program of Canada.
- Angus Matthews and guests from Telus
- Garry Fletcher welcoming guests and acknowledging the Federal Government Millennium Program.
- Ken Dunham, a year 10 graduate of Pearson College who had done the networking on the island described the process to the press.
- LGS representative.
- Telus representative.
- Duane Prentice, a former PC student now of of Nomadic Visions, was one of the many photographers on hand to the record the events of the afternoon.
- The equipment room with the iMacs in the foreground which receive the video input to broadcast to our system , and the Online Broadcasting equipment that was used for the special day.
- A final assemblage of the sponsors, BC Parks representatives, Federal Fisheries, First Nations, Pearson College Students and other invited guests line up for photos.