- Sky clear, a few clouds
- Visibility 15+ NM
- Wind: 30-35 knots W
- Sea state: fast moving, white caps breaking at .5 m
- Greg visited with a water delivery on Friday
- One eco-tourism boat in the reserve yesterday evening.
- One vessel fishing within the reserve on Friday afternoon. They approached the sea lions around the jetty very closely and their dog on board barked loudly at the animals. They approached the animals within a stones throw and hovered for roughly 20 minutes. The animals appeared distressed and fought with each other as they tried to move away from the boat (it was too close for them to enter the water).
- On Thursday evening a river otter came onto land near the jetty. We wonder if it was trying to steal seagull eggs.
- On Friday afternoon two caspian terns flew overhead. The seagulls were not happy to see them and chased them out of the reserve.
- Related to the post linked above, we spotted an oyster catcher nest on the west side of the island. We think it could be the same one that Mike spotted in 2012!
- There are five goslings total, one family with two and one with three. The family of three has been joined intermittently by the other two. The two chicks seem confused as to which geese are their parents, and they’ve even managed to sneak under a wing with the rest for shelter. The parents continuously try to separate them from their own three chicks and the parents of the two follow closely behind.
- We have observed the geese moving around the island trying to find fresh water. When it rains it is easier for them to come near the structures and drink the water from our roofs. When it is dry, they are limited to what they are able to find in the pools high on the rocks, usually full of algae and very dirty. We have been learning about their adaptations to drink salt water here.
- The two oyster catcher chicks that we spotted earlier in the week have maintained their elusive nature. We haven’t been able to spot them again, as they are hidden by their parents among rocks where the seagulls are not able to attack.
- This week has brought an influx of stellar sea lions, particularly smaller youngsters.
- 2 Elephant seals (1 male, 1 female)
- 46 Harbour seals
- 326 Seagulls
- 10 Stellar sea lions
- 17 California sea lions
- 10 Black Oystercatchers(adult)
- 2 Oystercatcher chicks
- 16 Canada Geese (adult)
- 5 Goslings
- 2 Pigeon Guillemots
- Large container ship from vancouver area
- plastic in seagull nest
- sea lion with one blind eye
- Stellar sea lion
- Pigeon guillemots
- Male elephant seal yawning
- invasive thistles returning. We will need to pull them before they seed.
- Big yawn!
- All five goslings together (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- Fishing trawler from Vancouver
- Detached sea lion front flipper tag from oregon