- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots N, later NW
- Sky: clear
- Water: calm
- Lovely day!
- Encountered a pacific wren in the lantern room of the lighthouse.
- Opened the outdoor hatch to let it out, but instead, it hid inside an air vent.
- I presume the wren is still inside the room, unless it found a way out.
- Luckily I had the camera with me.
- The last time a Pacific wren was documented at Race Rocks was April 19, 2014.
- Hiding Place
- Ran the desalinator during the afternoon.
- Spray painted an empty diesel barrel.
- The usual chores.
- The Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue boat came through the reserve again.
- Several eco-tours, sailboats, and pleasure craft wandered through today.