High Tides and Logs Galore

Over the past few days I’ve noticed how many logs and driftwood seem to be out in the ocean this time of year. I’ve heard its significantly worse than previous years but thankfully not too much has been accumulating at the jetty (as I’ve been told it can). Until today. 

Yesterday afternoon there were a few small bits of driftwood/logs but nothing out of the ordinary, however the tides and wind must have been combined in all the right (or maybe wrong) ways over night. This morning when I woke up there was enough logs and debris around the jetty to open up my own lumber mill. I’ve never seen anything like it. For the better part of the day the waves have been crashing directly into the jetty making it impossible for any of it to be pushed out. In the afternoon I pulled a few of the reachable logs up to use for future firewood but it barely made a dent in whats there. Hopefully some of it gets pushed out tonight! 

The fur seal has not shown up again, so I guess he was just passing by, although I’m hopeful we’ll see him again one day! Ollie is still around and a few humpbacks are passing by each day. 

I haven’t seen the entangled sea lions today, but the Cali was around yesterday and the Steller the day before. 


  • Ecotourism: 2

Facility Work:

  • Topped up battery electrolytes 
  • Cleaned/organized inside main house 
  • Hauled in logs for firewood 

Otters, Whales, and a Fur Seal…Oh My!

It’s the last day of 2024 and we are finishing it with a bang!

This morning I spotted an imposter among the sea lions near the jetty…a northern fur seal!

You may be wondering why thats significant, and its because this is the first northern fur seal documented on Race Rocks in 44 years! Northern fur seals are a pelagic species, meaning they live offshore and are not seen near the coast.

Occasionally they have been sighted in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the young or sick ones have stranded along the coast in previous years. However, a healthy adult male hauled out in front of the house here? Very rare! So rare that it hasn’t been seen since 1980 which I still haven’t quite wrapped my head around.

He’s been in and out of the water throughout the day, lots of grooming (they have a fur coat similar to that of a sea otter), and even nipped at a few California sea lions. I’m looking forward to seeing if he sticks around!

Speaking of sea otters, Ollie is also back! After spending the past few months  near William Head, I saw him on the South side of the island early this morning. I’m hoping to see more of him before I leave.

It appears not all of the humpbacks have gotten the memo that they should be somewhere warm, cozy, and tropical by now. I saw about 7 in total today which was a very nice surprise.

As for the rest of the animals around here its been status quo. Still no elephant seals but I’m not giving up hope yet. Doing my best to manifest one (or ten) arriving before I leave.

Happy New Year!!

December 2024 Seawater Data

Observer: Derek Month: December
YSI ID: 15 Year: 2025
Temp Sal
Day Time ºC ppt
1 13:30 9.1 32.7
2 14:00 9.0 32.7
3 14:30 9.1 32.6
4 15:00 9.0 32.6
5 15:30 9.1 32.7
6 16:00 9.1 32.9
7 16:30 9.3 32.9
8 17:00 9.1 32.9
9 n/a n/a n/a
10 n/a n/a n/a
11 n/a n/a n/a
12 n/a n/a n/a
13 n/a n/a n/a
14 n/a n/a n/a
15 13:00 8.7 33.0
16 13:30 8.6 33.0
17 14:15 8.8 32.7
18 15:15 8.8 32.9
19 16:00 8.9 32.7
20 17:00 8.7 32.6
21 17:00 8.6 32.7
22 19:30 8.9 32.6
23 9:00 8.9 32.3
24 8:30:00 AM 8.7 32.6
25 9:30 8.9 32.3
26 10:00 9.1 32.3
27 11:00 8.9 32.4
28 12:30 9.4 31.7
29 n/a n/a n/a
30 10:45 8.7 31.7
31 n/a n/a n/a

Last Census of 2024 & 2 Entangled Sea Lions

Gorgeous day today!

Since it looks like it’ll be my only sunny day of my trip out here, I spent most of it outside. It was also the perfect day for an animal census.

While out and about today I unfortunately came across two entangled sea lions. Both have been reported to the right groups and I will be monitoring them over the next few days to see if they stick around.

Facility Work:

  • Topped up battery electrolytes
  • Repaired electric fence
  • Dug up weeds
  • Washed main house windows


  • Private: 1
  • Ecotourism: 3

Dec 30 Census:


  • California sea lions: 182
  • Steller sea lions: 339
  • Harbour seals: 24


  • Bald eagles: 25
  • Canadian geese: 15
  • Gulls: 531
  • Turnstones: 47
  • Cormorants: 132
  • Oyster catchers: 6
  • Harlequin ducks: 8

Back Again!

Hello again!

What better way to ring in 2025 than to spend it here on the rock? I’m only here for a week, bridging the gap between two other Ecoguardians but I’ll take any time out here that I can get!

I arrived around noon and the tide was so high it was nearly over the jetty which I’ve never seen before (secretly hoping for a good storm this week). Spent the afternoon settling back in and spent a fair bit of time outside in the afternoon and exploring whats changed in the past couple of months.

Certainly less sea lions but still more than I was expecting, no elephant seals (yet), and all the humpbacks seem to have gone off to warmer waters – I don’t blame them, it is freezing out here.

I did get a lovely welcome home pass by from transient killer whale T49C Neilson who is one of my favourites around here!

Looking forward to finding more creatures this week!

Bye to 2024

Ecological Notes:

  • 30-35  eagles here each morning!

  • I assume the last storm, combined with he high number of eagles, have led to a temporary lack of many shore birds right now

Facility Work:

  • Stacked the firewood for splitting, you an see how waterlogged most of the recovered wood is.
  • Swept and cleaned the generator building floors,the flies gather at windows in the buildings and student building, ongoing to keep it tidy
  • Swept and cleaned the main house basement
  • Sprayed down part of the walkway with algae remover, but unexpected light rain may negate the effect

Weather Events:

High tides and big wells move the big logs around like nothing. This is exactly why I removed the jetty fencing!

  • Wednesday, December 25:
    • Sky: Overcast, with brief sunny breaks
    • Wind: N 10-15kts in the morning, veering to E 15-20kts in the afternoon
    • Sea: 6 foot swells and mixed as the tide changed
    • Temperature Low 5oC, High 9oC
  • Thursday, December 26 :
    • Sky: Early morning rain.Overcast with sunny breaks, and quick rain squalls during the day
    • Wind: Overnight winds from the East to 45kts, daytime W 25-30kts, dropping to near 0 by evening
    • Sea:  3-5 ft swells,flattening out by late afternoon
    • Temperature Low 6oC, High 10oC
  • Friday, December 27:
    • Sky: High overcast, light rain by evening
    • Wind: NE 10-15kts in the morning, dropping to 5-10kts over the day
    • Sea:  light chop
    • Temperature Low 7oC, High 10oC
  • Saturday, December 28:
    • Sky: clear patches and sun in the morning, mostly low overcast
    • Wind: S 10kts in the morning, jumping quickly to W 30kts by 11am
    • Sea:  calm in the morning, 2-3 ft swells in the afternoon
    • Temperature Low 7oC, High 10 oC


** Any wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:



Weather – Past:


Race Rocks ANIMAL CENSUS December 23


2024-11-25 2024-12-16* 2024-12-23*
Elephant Seal(male)
Elephant seal (female) 1
Steller’s Sea Lion 289 310 335
California Sea Lion 263 243 180
Harbour Seal 23 10 27
Sea Otter
Orca 5 (3 days ago)
Humpback 3 2
Gray Whale
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Canada Geese 27 15 15
Harlequin Duck 4 5
Black Oystercatcher 12 18 0
Black Turnstone 228 37 12
Surfbird 3
Killdeer 3 4
Black-bellied Plover
Ruddy Turnstone
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
Pigeon Guillemot
Common Murre
Rhinoceros Auklet
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
Glaucous Winged Gull
Western Gull
Glaucous X Western Gull Hybrid
Iceland(Thayer’s) Gull
Heerman’s Gull
California Gull
Short-billed Gull
Gull Species unknown 226 89 187
Gull Species 2
Gull Species 3
Cormorant total 147 123
Brandt’s Cormorant
Double-Crested Cormorant
Cormorant species unknown 228
Pelagic Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle Juvenile 6 11
Bald Eagle Adult 6 3 4
Peregrine Falcon
Raptor Species 1
Raptor Species 2
Raptor Species 3
Western Crow 3
Raven 2
Purple Martin
Barn Swallow
Pacific Wren
Savannah Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
very fast, unable to get pic, wren size 4
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
Other Species 1
Other Species 2
Other Species 3

* Numbers reflect taken after a large storm surge, animals and birds dissipated,

Bald Eagles on Patrol

Ecological Notes:

  • Transient Orca, T036As, passed through the edge of the reserve mid day
  • Observed at least 2 Humpback whales west of the reserve in the distance
  • Up to 20  Bald Eagles here each morning, many seen hunting gulls


  • Waterfront team (3), delivering supplies and groceries and worked on some projects

Facility Work:

  • Removed filters from the desalinator, storing the main reverse osmosis one in water

  • Cleaned and mopped out desalinator bunker

  • Small window on the main house basement door was replaced

  • Cleaned the main house windows of salt

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • With calmer water, 2 different ecotourism vessels

Weather Events:

  • Thursday, December 19:
    • Sky: High overcast, with occasional sunny gaps, some light rain showers
    • Wind: N 20-25kts, dropping in the evening
    • Sea: slight chop
    • Temperature Low 4oC, High 8oC
  • Friday, December 20:
    • Sky: Overcast, low clouds to the far south of the strait
    • Wind: W/WSW 16-37 kts
    • Sea:  very light chop
    • Temperature Low 6oC, High 9oC
  • Saturday, December 21:
    • Sky: Overcast, occasional rain showers, clear star filled sky late evening
    • Wind: W/WSW dropping to 5 kts by noon, rising to W 25kts late afternoon, before gradually dropping over the evening
    • Sea:  light chop
    • Temperature Low 6oC, High 10oC



** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:



Weather – Past:


High tides and winds

Ecological Notes:

  • As noted previously, there was a drop in all animals and birds during/after the storm surge, but they are starting to return
  • No elephant seals have returned yet …. checking past blogs, this is not uncommon, but was still hoping there would be some here before I leave!

Facility Work:

  • In addition to weekly battery electrolyte top ups, cleaned the tops of the batteries and did an extra mop up of the floor
  • Due to heavy winds and rain from the north, and the old door still in place, the battery room flooded and needed a full mop out
  • After an initial clean out, debris is starting to fill the boat ramp area again. Many logs rolled right over the jetty!
  • Did a full strip down of the jetty electric fence for now

  • Sticking as close to the proper times as possible, daily salinity and temperature readings adjusted to get safely out onto the jetty

DND events:

  • One blast Monday morning

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • High winds kept boats out of the area


 Feature Event:

  •  As there are ongoing concerns about the battery readings, I’ve gone to a hybrid running pattern……. leaving the system on “Auto” to avoid shutoffs from sudden low voltage readings, but shutting off and switching to “Manual” when the batteries reach 100% to avoid extending float charges (sometimes as long as 4-5 hours extra.)
  • Consulting with  technicians on further adjustments and battery corrections

Weather Events:

  • Monday, December 16:
    • Sky:Bright overcast with small clear spots
    • Wind: N 20-25kts, dropping in the afternoon
    • Sea: rippled, wind against tide chop north of reserve
    • Temperature Low 4oC, High 8oC
  • Tuesday, December 17:
    • Sky: Foggy until mid-afternoon, clear and sunny to overcast, mix of cloud and sun by afternoon
    • Wind:NE 5kts veering E to 35kts mid day, back to NE 10kts  by evening
    • Sea:  3 ft swells mid day, large swells rolling into the jetty area
    • Temperature Low 4oC, High 9oC
  • Wednesday, December 18:
    • Sky:Clear overhead, some low cloud and mist in the distance,
    • Wind: W gusts to 50kts early morning,dropping over the day to 10kts
    • Sea:  2 ft chop, dropping to smooth by late afternoon
    • Temperature Low 8oC, High 12oC



** Any wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:



Weather – Past:


Race Rocks ANIMAL CENSUS Dec 16


2024-11-25 2024-12-16* 2024-12-23
Elephant Seal(male)
Elephant seal (female) 1
Steller’s Sea Lion 289 310
California Sea Lion 263 243
Harbour Seal 23 10
Sea Otter
Orca 5 (3 days ago)
Humpback 3 2
Gray Whale
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Canada Geese 27 15
Harlequin Duck 4
Black Oystercatcher 12 18
Black Turnstone 228 37
Surfbird 3
Killdeer 3 4
Black-bellied Plover
Ruddy Turnstone
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
Pigeon Guillemot
Common Murre
Rhinoceros Auklet
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
Glaucous Winged Gull
Western Gull
Glaucous X Western Gull Hybrid
Iceland(Thayer’s) Gull
Heerman’s Gull
California Gull
Short-billed Gull
Gull Species unknown 226 89
Gull Species 2
Gull Species 3
Cormorant total 147
Brandt’s Cormorant
Double-Crested Cormorant
Cormorant species unknown 228
Pelagic Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle Juvenile 6
Bald Eagle Adult 6 3
Peregrine Falcon
Raptor Species 1
Raptor Species 2
Raptor Species 3
Western Crow 3
Raven 2
Purple Martin
Barn Swallow
Pacific Wren
Savannah Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
very fast, unable to get pic, wren size 4
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4
Other Species 1
Other Species 2
Other Species 3

* Numbers reflect taken after a large storm surge, animals and birds dissipated, just now returning