The wind gusts reached 39 knots from the west this morning. The general wind trend throughout the day was between 11 and 32 knots from the west, with slight fluctuations to the north and south. The barometer generally went down from 1001 hPa to 997 hPa, with a few dips upwards as the sun broke through the clouds.
The approaching Arctic blast of cold weather will bring a chance that the thermometer might drop from 7oC to below 0oC tonight for the first time in a while. Heating coils and warm thoughts have been deployed around the buildings to prevent pipes from freezing.
There was one whale watching boat seen in the reserve at 12:30. A couple boats gathered to view humpback whales to the east of the reserve in the mid afternoon.
There were a couple of bald eagles around for most of the day, one adult and one juvenile. At 10:00 in the morning, a peregrine falcon was chasing after the juvenile eagle over the north of Great Race and Middle Channel. The size difference of the eagle and peregrine took me by surprise. I had never seen the much smaller peregrine next to a bald eagle. This might be the same peregrine that Pam Birley has seen over the past week. It had dark chest feathers, which indicates it is a juvenile peregrine falcon.
The desalinator worked hard today to make about 800 litres of fresh water. With a maximum output of 1.5 litres per minute, the desalinator is a very energy intensive way to create water. Although, when the water is heated and added to a mix of leaves, spices and herbs, it makes great tea. A necessity for Race Rocks.
- A tanker heads westward, a couple kilometres from the shores of Race Rocks.
- A bald eagle perches on the northwest of Great Race, between flying circuits of the reserve.
- The flag flaps in the west wind, with gulls in the background having taken flight en masse because of an eagle fly by.