- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 20-25 knots West
- Sky: overcast, then sunny, then overcast
- Water: 2′ chop
- Much frenetic elephant seal activity throughout the island and surrounding waters.
- The speed with which they go from slow motion sparring to sleeping side by side is adorable.
- One seal was even snoozing on the ramp with his head under water.
- Between 11 and 15 elephant seals on Great Race.
- We discovered several seagull nests with eggs in them. First ones of the year!
- The four of us engaged in much painting.
- The boathouse floor was finished, along with the derrick room floor, and the yellow on the jetty.
- In the afternoon we used the shorefront pressure washer to remove algae from several walls.
- As is customary out here, we cleaned off the solar panels.
- Kyle and Guy brought out the pressure washer and various other items at 8:10.
- One rental boat was caught fishing illegally within the reserve.
- I called Pedder Bay Marina to inform them.
- One coast guard boat passed through the reserve today.
- Also a few eco-tours.
- Boat within reserve
- Illegal fishing
- What zodiac is that?
- Coast guard!
- Eco-tours
- Kyle and Guy briefly to drop off items.
- In the late afternoon, Maya, Tazi, and Ali came over to the eco-guardians house for tea, cookies, and the American version of Rubber Soul.