Ecological Notes:
- 1 Male Elephant seal, and 1 young Female Elephant seal on the island
- Single young Steller Sealion near the pier.
- The more the Gull chicks stretch their legs and explore, the more protective the adult gulls get. It’s hard to work outside without a heavy hat to protect from hits, not to mention, easy to wash outerwear!
Facility Work:
- Applying preservative to wooden stairs at the student house. Tough work with a brush, going to try a small sprayer for the next decks.
***Even though the product is listed as non-toxic, I sat until it soaked in well to prevent birds from landing on it while still wet.
- Tough to bursh thin liquid
- MIxed in a sealable container
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- 9 Ecotourism vessels, 3 private vessels in the reserve sightseeing. All correct procedures followed
Noted Infractions:
- Only one private vessel fishing just inside the park boundary, moved outside as soon as I radioed them.
Weather Events:
- Westerly winds all day, dropping from 25 knots to 20 knots gradually. Winds rose to 30 knots in the evening. Fog in the morning, giving way to clear skies in the afternoon. Seas relatively calm during the day, rising to less than 1 meter chop in the evening.
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: