Race Rocks Ecological Reserve #97 Warden’s Report ,April 19 2022

We departed Pedder Bay on Second Nature with Greg who was taking Joan Rosenburgh out for an Ecoguardian exchange.  Before leaving we noted a new perch location on the new docks at Pearson College .


On arrival, a nice greeting from the group of Northern and Californian sealions near the docks

I took photos of all the adult elephant elephant seals still at the reserve :



There have been many improvements that the Ecoguardians and the college staff have done since the last time i was here.One important improvement has been the installation of a new toilet system which seems to be a big improvement over past models.

I was interested in relocating the spot where a new geo-positioning system was installed last year, since I had been unable to locate it one time when i was out there. So these pictures are for future reference for relocation. When scientists come out to recheck , the results from satellite triangulation at this spot can indicate the amount of tectonic plate movement .