Weather and Sea Conditions
Winds: 5 – 15 knots, variable (North-northeast to South-southwest)
Sky: Partially overcast, sunny afternoon
Visibility: Good 15 nm
Barometer: 101.8 kPa rising Tuesday evening
Forecast: Wind light becoming westerly 5 to 15 knots Wednesday afternoon. Mainly sunny. UV Index 4 predicted.
Vessels in Ecological Reserve
Whale watching vessels: Six observed working in Ecological Reserve.
No other commercial operators, noted in Reserve today.
Sport fishing vessels: Eight noted in Reserve today. Two sped through Ecological Reserve (ER) north of Rosedale. One person in vessel in, or very close to edge of ER observed fishing.
Second Nature: Ferrying biology students to and from Pearson College.
Two very large Humpback Whales observed feeding and travelling on north and west side of ER. Dall’s Porpoise feeding and travelling just outside of ER to north and into Pedder Bay.
Three Northern Elephant Seals at the Jetty.
First Heerman’s Gull of the shift observed.
Compost care.
Emily and first year biology students. Comparative tidal pool population studies linked to mapped pegs.
Maintenance and Operations
Regular chores completed
Safety tape put up around failing concrete stairs at Science house before students arrived
- One student identifies and counts organisms in a tide pool, calling the data to student recording data while third student ‘supervises’.
- Team huddle on tide pool, while one student keeps a watch from above.
- Students sort cord on conductivity meter and prepare to make abiotic measurements on their tide pool.
Received much appreciated fresh apples and onions from Luke via Kyle. Thank you both!