- Visibility: 5 miles in the morning, 15 during the day.
- Wind: 20-25 knots NE, down to 5-10 in the afternoon, then back up to 25.
- Sky: overcast and rain followed by some sun in the afternoon.
- Water: 2′ chop
- Clouds
- Sunset
- Saw three branded California sea lions: 7960, 8985, and U503.
- Yesterday’s Harbour Seal near the jetty returned for another plank.
- Saw an unidentifiable whale surfacing south of Rosedale Rock.
- Same spots
- Same spot
- The usual chores
- Couldn’t fully fix the electric fence near the energy building since the elephant seals who were lying on parts of the fence refused to move.
- Saw a Search and Rescue boat along with a few eco-tours.
- Marine Search & Rescue
- Too close?