- Visibility 15-20 NM
- Sky partly cloudy clearing to blue sky
- Wind 15-20 Knots W
- Sea state: calm, rippled
Visitors/Marine Traffic:
- No visitors
- Yesterday we spotted a group of kayakers who had emailed to let us know they were coming: We tried to wave, but you were too far away to see us- hope you had a good paddle!
- The seagull population has skyrocketed this week, but still no fully constructed nests
- The elephant seals have left now, aside from one. We anticipate that we may see a few large males in a month or so.
- 16 Geese
- 8 Oystercatchers
- 39 Sea Lions
- 40 Harbor Seals
- 1 Elephant Seal
- 1 Bald Eagle
- 580 Seagulls
- 42 Pigeon Guillemots
- Lots of greenery filling in
- Sunset from lighthouse
- Some wider shots to break up the closer ones we typically post (guest house)