In late JULY of 1999, two sections of the summer class in Environmental Studies at Royal Roads University ( 47 students) went on field trips to Race Rocks. Royal Roads Instructors Norm Healey and Bev Hall worked with the students . These are some images taken by the students on the trip :
- The students arrive at Race Rocks. Note the number… we no longer have groups this size there at that time of year
- Pearson College Instructor Garry Fletcher and Shore-front manager Chris Blondeau.
- Mike and Carol Slater, MPA Guardians meet the students at the docks
- Work by the students of the Royal Roads Environmental Management Class – Summer, 1999
- –PEG 15- Bearing 285 degrees This area has a fairly constant slope for the 15 meters over a vertical range of 3 meters.
- Algal assortment
- Tidepool algae and invertebrates
- Some detailed belt transect work.
- Mossy Chiton with attached algae symbiont
- The Shore group view. Norm took part of the group up the tower for bird and mammal behavior studies.
- viewed from the tower, sea lions hauled out on middle island
- Viewed from the tower -harbour seals hauled out on the South Rocks