Saturday Update

Nothing too wild to report today! I find myself tripping over more and more gull nests as each day passes but thankfully none have shown any aggression so far.

Our YSI unit that measures the salinity and temperature for sea water data has decided to stop working so today I learned how to use the old sampling method. I ended up with the same numbers as I’ve been getting all month so I think I managed to do it somewhat successfully! While I was collecting the water sample at the end of the jetty I had a curious little helper who was very intrigued by my bucket. She gave it an inspection and a boop with her nose before disappearing under the water and leaving me to my work.

No other creatures paid me a visit today but I did come across the unfortunate demise of a gumboot chiton that a gull dropped on the jetty. Very neat to see up close!

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **