- Sky partly cloudy, some intermittent rain
- Visibility 15+ NM
- Wind 0-10 knots W-SW
- Sea state: calm, fast moving currents this week
- We were excited to see not one but two brown pelicans during our census today!
- A pod of orcas passed by near Bentick I. in late afternoon.
- The sea lion population has exploded over this week. We counted a total 1050 today, compared to only 480 one week ago.
- 46 Brandt’s cormorants
- 3 Double crested cormorants
- 32 Black oyster catchers
- 19 Surfbirds
- 40 Black turnstones
- 2 Savannah sparrows
- 5-10 Song sparrows
- 277 Stellar sea lions
- 773 California sea lions
- 21 Canada geese
- 2 Brown pelicans
- 4 orcas (just outside of the reserve)
- 1 Elephants seal (E103)
- 71 Harbour seals
- 230 Misc. Seagulls
- 1 Sea otter (Ollie)
- Rainbow over the island this afternoon
- Gulls preparing for stormy winds
- E103
- California sea lion
- Tagged sea lion- we think this might be the one recently rescued!
- Two stellar sea lions
- Sea lions around old generator parts
- The difference in size between California and Stellar sea lions is evident!
- California sea lions on soft greenery
- Turnstones and Surfbirds
- Double crested cormorants
- Another tagged sea lion
- Stellar sea lion
- Rainbow over Victoria
- Sea lions enjoying the afternoon sun
- A young sea lion
- Sunset (1)
- (2)
- (3)