Wind: yesterday 3-28 knots from W, today 0-8 knots from W to NE
Sea State: yesterday and today rippled
Visibility: yesterday and today 5-10 NM
Sky: yesterday partly cloudy and rain, today overcast
Temperature: yesterday 6-9 °C, today 6-8 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 415.40 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
The past two days were relatively quiet. There were fewer barking sea lions on the rocks, as most floated nearby. A determined beta male elephant seal made several short visits to the island, practicing his bellowing, before being scared away by the alpha male. The pups are still keeping to themselves and not vocalizing as much. Calm days like today make me miss the whistling of the wind and its ability to dissipate the smell of sea lion poop.
I prepared some equipment for upcoming work to be done on the cistern as well as the energy system.
There were four tour boats in the ecological reserve. Greg was the only visitor on the island, when he came by briefly this afternoon to drop off fuel and food.
- I was working on a water pump hose in the tank shed yesterday, when I saw this guy slide by.
- This morning, the beta male elephant seal retreated into the water after being chased away by the alpha male.